NRSC Recruitment 2011 – Online Apply for Scientist/Engineer-SC vacancies:
National Remote Sensing Centre – NRSC (Indian Space Research Organisation) has asking online applications from qualified and eligible candidates for the recruitment of Scineitst/Engineer vacancies in National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) on temporary but likely to continue. Those who are qualified candidates have to apply through online from 15-06-2011 to 05-07-2011. The particulars about age limit, educational qualification, pay scale and other particulars of NRSC Recruitment 2011 is given below.
NRSC Recruitment 2011 details:
Total no. of posts: 14 vacancies
Name of the posts:
Scientist/Engineer-SC: 14 vacancies
For more complete particulars about age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, selection procedure, no. of posts, how to apply, last date for submission of online application and other particulars of NRSC is available at below given link…

NRSC Recruitment 2011 details:
Total no. of posts: 14 vacancies
Name of the posts:
Scientist/Engineer-SC: 14 vacancies
Age limit: The candidate’s age limit is 35 years as on 05-07-2011, relaxation as per rules.
Educational qualification: Candidates see the advertisement for more details of educational qualification.
Selection process: The mode of selection is through interview basis.
How to apply: The eligible and qualified candidates have to apply through online from the website between 15-06-2011 to 05-07-2011. The candidates follow the instructions at the time of online apply. After submission of online application candidates note down the online registration number for future reference.
Important dates:
Opening date for online submission: 15-06-2011.
Closing date for online submission: 05-07-2011.
Opening date for online submission: 15-06-2011.
Closing date for online submission: 05-07-2011.