Organization Name: Reserve Bank of India
Job Position: Deputy General Manager
Pay Scale: Rs. 39,850/-p.m
Eligibility : Post-Graduate
Job Location: Pune
Last Date: 18 July 2011
Jobs Details:-
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Application are invited for the following post of Chief Archivist in Grade ‘D’ (Deputy General Manager)
No of Post: 01
Qualification: Post-Graduate in Modern Indian History with minimum 50% marks from a recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Diploma or Certificate Course in Archival Studies or Records Management.
Age Limit: (as on 01.06.2011) : Not exceeding 45 years, (i.e. candidates must have been born not earlierthan 02.06.1966). Refer item 2 below for relaxation in upper age limit for specified categories.
Pay Scale : The selected candidate will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 39,850/-p.m. in the scale of Rs. 39850-1200(2)-42250-1300(3)-46150 (6 years) applicable to Officers in Grade ‘D’ and they will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Allowance, House Allowance, Family Allowance, Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments for Grade ‘D’ officer are Rs.- 77,990/-(approx) at the minimum of the scale
How to Apply:
ON-LINE: The candidate can apply ON-LINE using the link/URL Detailed ‘Instructions for Applying ON-LINE’ are available on this link. Candidates should read the instructions carefully and then click on “Apply” link. Salient features of the system of ON-LINE Application are given hereunder: he ON-LINE applications can be submitted through the system till 11.59 P.M. on July 18,2011.
OFF-LINE: The candidates must apply in the Application format published in this advertisement. It should be typed or neatly handwritten in Hindi or English on a good quality “White A- 4 size” paper. All the relevant columns in the application must be filled legibly or typed. Incomplete and illegible applications will be rejected.OFF-LINE Application or the printout of the ON-LINE Application (hard copy), as the case may be, should reach the Board’s Office on or before 6.00 P.M. on July 25,2011.
Job Position: Deputy General Manager
Pay Scale: Rs. 39,850/-p.m
Eligibility : Post-Graduate
Job Location: Pune
Last Date: 18 July 2011
Hiring Process: Interview.
Jobs Details:-
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Application are invited for the following post of Chief Archivist in Grade ‘D’ (Deputy General Manager)
No of Post: 01
Qualification: Post-Graduate in Modern Indian History with minimum 50% marks from a recognized University or equivalent AND (ii) Diploma or Certificate Course in Archival Studies or Records Management.
Age Limit: (as on 01.06.2011) : Not exceeding 45 years, (i.e. candidates must have been born not earlierthan 02.06.1966). Refer item 2 below for relaxation in upper age limit for specified categories.
Pay Scale : The selected candidate will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 39,850/-p.m. in the scale of Rs. 39850-1200(2)-42250-1300(3)-46150 (6 years) applicable to Officers in Grade ‘D’ and they will also be eligible for Dearness Allowance, Local Allowance, House Allowance, Family Allowance, Grade Allowance as per rules in force from time to time. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments for Grade ‘D’ officer are Rs.- 77,990/-(approx) at the minimum of the scale
How to Apply:
ON-LINE: The candidate can apply ON-LINE using the link/URL Detailed ‘Instructions for Applying ON-LINE’ are available on this link. Candidates should read the instructions carefully and then click on “Apply” link. Salient features of the system of ON-LINE Application are given hereunder: he ON-LINE applications can be submitted through the system till 11.59 P.M. on July 18,2011.
OFF-LINE: The candidates must apply in the Application format published in this advertisement. It should be typed or neatly handwritten in Hindi or English on a good quality “White A- 4 size” paper. All the relevant columns in the application must be filled legibly or typed. Incomplete and illegible applications will be rejected.OFF-LINE Application or the printout of the ON-LINE Application (hard copy), as the case may be, should reach the Board’s Office on or before 6.00 P.M. on July 25,2011.
For More Information:- Click Here